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Friday, August 13, 2010

Update from Chris Boettcher

Here's an update from the Director:

Things are moving along at a slow, but steady pace for the opening of the Early Childhood Program at Christ Lutheran. We are waiting on the building permit to allow the installation of sinks in two rooms and a toddler toilet for the toddler room. Should have the permit by the 20th of August. We will be getting the grant check for the playground around the 13th of the month. This will enable new ground cover to be put down and a fence around the entire playground area. The BIG grant check for the equipment and supplies will not be available until after Labor Day. With the grant money we will be able to fill up the center with what it takes to furnish a child care facility. Once the labor is done and the equipment is here, we pray that CO State Licensing comes quickly so our doors can open. We are praying this will take place around the middle of October. We do have families signed up for each of the rooms; infant, toddler and preschool, with no waiting list at this time. We are starting out small, so spaces could fill up quickly.

If you have questions you can reach Chris Boettcher in the office at 970-237-3229.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Meet our Prospective Preschool Director - Potluck

Potluck, Sunday May 16th: we'll host our prospective Preschool Director. She will be visiting us for the weekend so our board can get to know her and her husband, and so they can get to know us. This family has two sons, one 10 years old, the other 12.

This is an important time, in both the life of our church and the future of our preschool. What better way to get to know them than over a meal! If you are interested in helping to coordinate this, please let Pastor know. We would love to have our church full that Sunday!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010